Deakin ACT weather
Latitude S 35° 19' 21" Longitude E 149° 05' 57" Elevation 603 m
Dawn: | 05:38 | Sunrise: | 06:07 | Moonrise: | 00:16 | |
Dusk: | 20:49 | Sunset: | 20:21 | Moonset: | 12:46 | |
Daylight: | 15:11 | Day length: | 14:14 | Moon Phase: | Waning Gibbous |
This weather station is located in Tura Beach, NSW. The weather image is updated every 2 minutes. The camera is pointing to the north.
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::records::trends::geomag: :lightning::sky temp::sky quality::webcam::all sky: |
Page updated 17/01/2020 19:26:46
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