Deakin ACT weather

 Latitude S 35° 19' 21"    Longitude E 149° 05' 57"    Elevation 603 m

Dawn: 05:38 Sunrise: 06:07 Moonrise: 00:16 Moon
Dusk: 20:49 Sunset:  20:21 Moonset: 12:46
Daylight: 15:11 Day length: 14:14 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

The two-day graph shows the current geomagnetic conditions in Canberra, as measured by the Geosciences Australia magnetometer, located in the Kowen Forest 15km south-east of the city. Quiet geomagnetic conditions show as 3 smooth graphs (for X, Y and Z magnetic field components), disturbed conditions show erratic traces. The graph may take some seconds to load from the Geosciences Australia server. The graphs are updated every three minutes

Current geomagnetic conditions at Canberra, Friday 17 Jan 2020
current Canberra magnetometer output


Geomagnetic Warning

Geomagnetic Warning

Geomagnetic Alert

Geomagnetic Alert

Aurora Alert

Aurora Alert
:lightning::sky temp::sky quality::webcam::all sky:

Page updated 17/01/2020 19:26:46
graph from Geoscience Australia (external website)
alerts from Ionospheric Prediction Service (external website)
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1098)