Deakin ACT weather

 Latitude S 35° 19' 21"    Longitude E 149° 05' 57"    Elevation 603 m

Dawn: loading... Sunrise: loading... Moonrise: loading... Moon
Dusk: loading... Sunset:  loading... Moonset: loading...
Daylight: loading... Day length: loading... Moon Phase: loading...

This weather station is located in south west Deakin, ACT, 5km from the centre of Canberra. The sensor system in use is the WH1091. The data on this index page is updated every 30 seconds. Linked pages are updated every 15 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at 9 am.

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature loading... Dew Point loading...
Windchill loading... Humidity loading...
Heat Index loading... Apparent Temperature loading...
Rainfall Today loading... Rainfall Rate loading...
Rainfall This Month loading... Rainfall This Year loading...
Rainfall Last Hour loading... Last rainfall loading...
Wind Speed (gust) loading... Wind Speed (avg) loading...
Wind Bearing loading... loading... loading...
Barometer  loading... loading... loading...
Weekly climate indexes
NINO 3.4 index Indian Ocean Dipole index
:lightning::sky temp::sky quality::webcam::all sky:

powered by Cumulus loading...